Career Strategy Fellowships Study Abroad

Seoul National University: Language Education Institute

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SNU has a rigorous and well-rounded curriculum that provides a good balance of reading, writing, listening, and speaking practice through a communicative, task-based approach. SNU is a large campus located South of the Han river. This provides a certain degree of distance from other universities and tourist attractions, but is accessible to these locations by public transportation. 

Category Description
# of students on program ~900 international students enrolled each quarter
Avg. class size  ~12 students per class
Dorm available?  Yes, students live in off-campus housing that is a short bus ride from the KLEC building. Students can also walk. Curfew applies. 
Language buddy available? Yes, SNU has worked with the Light Fellowship to offer a supplemental buddy program. (26hrs one-on-one time with local SNU student.)
Approved Levels  2 - 6* 
Approved Terms Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, Academic Year**

**Students will need to take placement test to determine levels. Abroad program levels do not necessarily correspond to Yale language level.

**SNU is on a quarterly academic calendar that does not line up well with Yale's academic calendar. As a result Light, Fellows studying at SNU usually choose to do so for either the Summer, Summer + Fall or Academic Year.

Program Application Notes:

  • Advanced academic class, evening program, 15-week program, and short programs are all not approved for Light funding.
  • Applications typically will not open until after Light Fellowship results are announced. It is your responsibility to check the application deadlines, but we recommend applying after you know your Light Fellowship results and only applying to the program you intend on attending. 
  • If you experience any issues or have questions with the application process, you can email:

Light Fellowship Application Notes:

  • SNU is on a quarterly academic calendar, so Fellows applying for Academic Year funding should apply for the fall, winter, and spring quarters at SNU.

Looking to connect with a former fellow? Speak with a former fellow who participated in the SNU program. 

Read program reports from peers here