Career Strategy Fellowships Study Abroad

Other Opportunities

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Whether you're searching for an alternative to the Light Fellowship or looking for other ways to study abroad, do research, or work in East Asia, there are many funding opportunities available both at Yale and through national competitions. 

TOC: Other Opportunities in East-Asia 

Yale Fellowships for currently enrolled undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students

Search other Yale fellowships on the Student Grants Database. Use the filters to enter class year, type of project you intend to propose, and region to get a full list of possible fellowships for which you can apply. Please note some fellowships are available to certain residents of certain Residential Colleges. 

Depending on your project, you might consider applying to: 

The CIPE Summer Research Fellowship Common Application - The Common Application encompasses funding for a projects in International Internships, Government Service internships, Non-Profit and Community Service Internships, Summer Projects, including research, and Journalism internships. Students are responsible for proposing their own projects and previous students have received funding for projects in East-Asia. 

You can also consider the Macmillan Center Grants in East Asia - Students may apply to these grants through the student grants database as well. The Macmillan center offers fellowships and grants for language study, research, and internships. We encourage students to look through the "center-wide fellowships" to determine whether your project might fit one of these opportunities. 

External opportunities for currently enrolled undergraduate, and graduate school students

Name of Fellowship Type of Opportunity Eligibility Language/Locations
Critical Language Scholarship by U.S. Dept. of State Summer language study U.S. Citizens enrolled at the time of application (incl. graduate) Supports many languages incl. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean 
Boren Awards Language Study U.S. Citizens enrolled at time of application (incl. graduate) Supports experiences outside of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand 
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program Study Abroad or Internship Undergraduates who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding Languages incl. Japanese, Chinese, and Korean - eligible for additional Critical Need Language Award 
Freeman-Asia Awards  Study Abroad  Undergraduate U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents demonstrating financial need Includes Japanese, Chinese, and Korean 
U.S. - Japan Bridging Scholarships  Study Abroad (Term & Academic Year) U.S. Citizens enrolled in undergraduate programming Japan
The Watanabe Scholarship Study Abroad U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents demonstrating financial need (incl. graduate students) Japan 
The Blakemore Freeman Fellowships  Language Study  U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents who hold a B.A. by the start of the grant  Chinese, Japanese, and Korean eligible (among others) 
The National Bureau of Asian Research - Chinese Language Fellowship Program  Language study  U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents enrolled in Ph.D programs or enrolled Master's students with intention to pursue Ph.D Chinese 
The National Bureau of Asian Research - Ellings-Korduba Research Fellowship Program  Policy -relevant scholarly research  Graduate students or advanced undergraduate students with a focus on Asia and Policy, U.S. Citizens Focus on Asia
Korea Foundation Fellowship for Korean Language Training Language Study M.A./Ph.D. students and faculty members in the field of Korean studies, professionals involved in Korea-related activities  Korean 
Korea Foundation Fellowship for Field Research Research ABD PH.D. Students or professors in a professional or research field Korean 
Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) by Taiwan Ministry of Education Language Study

U.S. citizens may apply for 3 month, 6 month, or 9 month scholarships through the Taiwan Education and Cultural Resource Office that corresponds with their permanent address. 

International Students should check with Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs in their passport country 

UM-SJTU Joint Institute - " Group Scholarship"  Study Abroad in China

US Citizens with a GPA of at least 3.6 eligible 

Term and Summer study 

International Student Conferences (Japan, Korea, China)  Student-run conference where multiple nationalities are represented  See website for more details. Japan- America Student Conference, Korea-America Student Conference, China-America Student Conference
Amgen Scholars Asia  Summer Research in Biotech and Technology Enrolled in undergraduate study, intending to continue study after summer Japan, Singapore 
Explorer Club Discovery Expedition Grants Independent Research in Biological sciences, archaeology, anthropology, paleontology, earth sciences, ecology, and astronomy, as well as exploratory projects that reveal new knowledge about the planet and its inhabitants, including regions undergoing environmental or cultural chang with emphasis on storytelling  18 y/o +  Project dependent 
Discovery Rising Explorer Grant  Field Research  Undergraduates Project dependent
Rolex Explorers Club Grant  Field Research Young Researchers (under 35)  Project dependent 
National Science Foundation East-Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for Graduate Students See website for more details. U.S. graduate students in science, engineering, and education For students with research experience in China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Singapore (and more)
The Korea Society Undergraduate Korea Study Abroad Travel Grant Travel grant for Korea Study Abroad U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled as undergraduate students in an accredited U.S. college or university Korea 
Global Research Immersion Program for Young Scientists (GRIPS)  Research and Cultural exchange in China (Yangtze River Delta Region Universities)  Students who have completed 2 years of undergraduate study China 
USTC Future Scientist Exchange Program Research and Cultural exchange  Physics, Chemistry, Material Sciences, Life Sciences, Medicine, completed 2 years of undergraduate study  China 
Hou Family Fellowships in Taiwan Studies Taiwan-focused research for 6 - 12 months 1 post-doctoral fellow, 1 pre-doctoral fellow Taiwan
Funds for Education Abroad  A consortium of fellowships, apply based on eligibility View website for more details - dedicated to underrepresented American college students  Various Countries
Friends of UTokyo FUTI Scholarships  For short-term programs held at GUC or UTokyo Must be a student in the U.S., U.S. citizenship not required Japan 
CUHK - Shenzhen 2025 Summer Study Tour For a 10-day tour of Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Hongkong through the lense of culture, education, and innovation Must be a U.S., UK, or EU citizen China 
Fudan University International Summer Session (FISS) 40week English-taught program in Shanghai  College Students 18+ with English Proficiency China 

Funding for Post-Graduate Study in East-Asia 

Name of Fellowship Type of Opportunity Eligibility Country
The Academy of Korean Studies by Ministry of Education (Republic of Korea)  Master's Degree, Ph.D., and non-degree Research Program, incl. language study Foreign scholars incl. Korean nationals with permanent residence status in other countries South Korea 
Overseas Koreans Foundation  Bachelor's, Masters and Doctorate programs  Overseas Koreans who are citizens, permanent residents or legal long-term residents of the country in which they reside South Korea
Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) Program  Bachelor's, Master's, or Ph.D. coursework For Graduate programs: must hold a Bachelor's degree by the date of arrival South Korea
Taiwan Scholarship by the Education Division of Ministry of Education, Taiwan Bachelor's, Master's, or Ph.D.  U.S. Citizens may apply through local Taiwan representative office. Other nationals should seek information from officials in passport country. Graduate Degree seekers must possess B.A. at time of application.  Taiwan 
Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program For one year of study at a Japanese University  U.S. Citizens can apply through office corresponding to their home state. Non U.S. Citizens must contact Japanese officials in their passport country Japan 
Yung-Wing Scholarship (Chinese Government Scholarship-Bilateral Program) For enrollment in a graduate-level program in Mainland China

Yale students, graduating seniors, graduate students should apply through the student grants database. Recent Alumni are also eligible and can inquire with the relevant adviser. 

Explore eligible programs here. 

Mainland China
Yenching Academy  For 2- yr Master's degree in China studies

Complete a Bachelor's degree before embarking

New: "Youth of Excellence Scheme of China Program Chinese Government Scholarship// Zhuoyue Scholarship" available to alumni with 3+ consecutive years of employment experience" - see site for more details. 

Beijing, China
Schwarzman Scholars Program For 1-yr Master's Degree in IR, Public Policy, or Econ & Business Graduating Seniors or recent Alumni Mainland China 
Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowship For advanced study in Architecture, Art, Dance, Music, Theatre, or Urban Planning Graduating Seniors In the U.S. and Abroad 
Explore Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs for More Funding Opportunities Sort by citizenship, area of study, etc.  International Affairs Graduate School and Research Fellowship and Scholarship  

Opportunities for Post-Graduate Internships, Work, or Teaching in Asia 

Title Type of Opportunity Eligibility Location 
Parker Huang Undergraduate Travel Fellowship Supports one year of study, research, or work abroad in non-English speaking countries Yale College Juniors and Seniors who are U.S. Citizens East Asia, Africa, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe, Russia, Latin America, MIddle East 
Yale - China Fellowship  A two-year opportunity to teach and be part of a Chinese school community Yale University graduates incl. Yale College and Yale Professional Schools See website for more details on cities represented. 
Luce Scholars Program Provides placement at a 10-month internship in Asia U.S. citizens and permanent residents; graduating seniors, graduate students and young professions with limited exposure to Asia Asia (19+ countries represented) 
Princeton in Asia Arranges fellowships and internships with host organizations that contribute to global issues at the local level  See requirements here.  Asia 
Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Programs Places Fulbrighters in classrooms abroad as English Language Teaching Assistants Apply through the Student Grants' Database - Deadline in early Fall  Many East-Asian countries incl. South Korea and Taiwan 
Japan Exchange and Teaching Program  (JET)   Places participants in public and private schools in Japan as Assistant Language Teachers or interpreters/translators See requirements here.  Japan 
Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program (TFETP) 1-year contract teaching English in Taiwan public school See requirements here.  Taiwan 
Ambassador Year in China Program 1-year contract to teach English in Chinese public school  See requirements here. China
Institute of Current World Affairs Fellowship 2 year writing fellowships (foreign affairs or cultures) - See website for more details on topics for upcoming year. See requirements here.  Interest letter deadline: Late May Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Francophone Africa or Asia
American India Foundation's Banyan Impact Fellowship for Service in India  Propose a project witha  local organization that is registered in India.  For U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents, or Indian Citizens  India
I: Project Space Residency studio for visiting artists from China and abroad See website. Beijing, China
Institute for Provocation Beijing-based workspace and think tank hosting residencies, research projects, workshops, and lectures stretching borders between art, architecture, and design. See website. Beijing, China
Red Gate Residency International artists residency program providing artists, curators, writers, and academics the opp to live and create work in China.  See website China 
VELD Fellowship (Vocation, Education, and Leaders)  Work and Language Study in Taiwan Recent College Grads Taiwan

Other Opportunities for Graduating Seniors and Alumni 

Title Description Eligibility Location
Asian American Arts Alliance - Van Lier Fellowship  Artistic mentorship program for NYC-based Asian American Theatre Artists in Acting and Directing  < Age 30, is not a part-time or full-time student during the fellowship period  NYC