Career Strategy Fellowships Study Abroad


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More than 2,000 Light Fellows and alumni now reside across the United States and around the globe. Given the mobile, cross-border nature of work and life these days, we're sure you are on the move.

Did your Light Fellowship experience have an impact on your life and career? One long-term goal for the fellowship is to build a useful database of alumni who are willing to share their experiences and advice with new or former fellows. One day soon the fellowship might be in a position to fly alumni in to New Haven to give talks at fellowship dinners, etc. So the lesson is: Stay in Touch!

Question: How do I stay connected?

  • Join our alumni group on LinkedIn! This will allow you to connect with other Light alumni in diverse professional fields and to stay informed about East Asia-related internships, job opportunities, or alumni events that we post. 
  • Join the Yale Career Network to connect with other Yalies who have studied or lived in East Asia.
  • Share your stories and lessons learned with current students by joining a panel on campus, organized by the Student Advisory Committee.
  • Attend a Light alumni gathering near you.  We'll let you know when we're nearby, or contact if you are interested in hosting a gathering in your city. You can also connect with us if you will be in New Haven!
  • We would love to hear from you. Send us a note with any updates or news to!