Career Strategy Fellowships Study Abroad

Current Fellows

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Yale's Resources for Students Abroad

Keep your International SOS Global Travel Assistance Information on hand. You can download the app, print and/or take a screenshot of your International SOS ID card, and share this information with a family member or friend. 

 The Yale Study Abroad website contains further information on Health and Safety Abroad, Identity Abroad, developing skills on Adjusting to your Cultural Context, and Accessing Yale Library Resources. We encourage all students to review this information in preparing for Study Abroad. 

  • Fellows should ensure that their program administrators have their contact information
  • Fellows are required to finish their programs in good academic standing, and grades are verified by the transcripts students provide

Make arrangements to get your transcript

This is one of the Light Fellowship reporting responsibilities, so you should order your transcript as early as possible. Although you have one month after your program ends to submit your grades, it takes time to arrange having your grades sent. Transcripts also serve as proof that you completed the program.